
and canines Learn more about and canines

  • Prevention and treatment of canine distemper in fox raccoon dog

    Prevention and treatment of canine distemper in fox raccoon dog

    The epidemic of canine distemper has occurred in some fox farms and mink farms. With regard to the prevention and treatment of canine distemper, after decades of research on the prevention and treatment of canine distemper, a variety of attenuated and sterilized vaccines have been developed in terms of pathogeny, pathogenesis, epidemic characteristics and clinical symptoms, pathological diagnosis and immune prevention, and many vaccines have been supplied to the market as formal commodities, but in recent years. The prevalence of canine distemper and the loss caused by canine distemper to the dog industry and fur animal industry in the world are much more than

  • Analysis and prevention of canine distemper

    Analysis and prevention of canine distemper

    Canine distemper is a highly contagious disease caused by canine distemper virus, which is a member of paramyxoviridae and measles virus genus. 55 cases of canine distemper and suspected cases diagnosed and treated from February to April 2003 were analyzed. The report is as follows for reference. 1 the incidence of canine distemper 1.1 the causes of this disease are more and more complex. According to the investigation, there were 22 cases of sudden onset of the disease due to taking a cold bath, accounting for 4. 4%.

  • What is canine distemper? How should convulsive phenomenon be treated?

    What is canine distemper? How should convulsive phenomenon be treated?

    Dogs are good friends of human beings. they are smart, lovely and understand human nature, so now many friends keep pet dogs as members of the family. In the process of keeping a dog, you can not only feel the dog's love for you, but also make yourself more loving.

    2020-11-11 What yes canine distemper fever appearance convulsions phenomena should how
  • Diagnosis and treatment of vomiting in dogs

    Diagnosis and treatment of vomiting in dogs

    Canine vomiting is not an independent disease name, but a symptom of many canine diseases, such as canine distemper, canine parvovirus enteritis and coronavirus enteritis, meningoencephalitis, pancreatitis, infectious hepatitis and other infectious diseases. Canine common gastroenteritis, poison poisoning, food vomiting, stimulation of foreign bodies, esophagitis, gastric ulcers, and other diseases such as rapid infusion and transport response can also cause vomiting. 1 symptom analysis 1.1 vomiting caused by canine distemper, accompanied by multiphase fever, cough, nasal spray and pus discharge

  • Can canines cross successfully between foxes and dogs?

    Can canines cross successfully between foxes and dogs?

    In some secret stories of wild history, there are stories of foxes and dogs crossing to give birth to strange species. So can the two really be crossed successfully? According to the relevant animal genetic data, both dogs and foxes belong to the canine family, and they can also give birth in theory, but the offspring can not be inherited.

    2020-11-11 Canines animals foxes and dogs can cross succeed in
  • Can canine distemper infect people?

    Can canine distemper infect people?

    Recently, there is a high incidence of canine distemper. Many pet hospitals treat more than a dozen canine distemper patients every day. Therefore, experts remind pet parents to vaccinate their pet dogs as soon as possible. Wei Rensheng of the pet hospital said: "recently, pet hospitals have increased the number of dogs suffering from canine distemper, which is related to the increase in dog walking after the rise in temperature." The reason is that the dog's feces cause cross-infection after defecating everywhere. In addition, many citizens only vaccinate their pet dogs against rabies, but not against infectious diseases. " According to relevant understanding, cure canine distemper

  • Diagnosis and treatment of eperythrozoonosis secondary to canine distemper

    Diagnosis and treatment of eperythrozoonosis secondary to canine distemper

    Canine distemper is mainly harmful to puppies, and its pathogen is canine distemper virus. The sick dog is characterized by bipolar fever, rhinitis, severe digestive tract disorders and respiratory tract inflammation. However, the cases of mixed infection of canine distemper and canine eperythrozoon are relatively rare. 1 the morbidity and symptoms of the sick dog was 8 months old and was clinically diagnosed as canine distemper with a course of 1 week, and had been treated with canine serum and antibiotics. When he came to our hospital, he was diagnosed with secondary lobar pneumonia with a body temperature of 40.6 ℃ and a biphasic fever (that is, the initial body temperature rose to about 40 ℃.

  • How to prevent and cure canine distemper

    How to prevent and cure canine distemper

    Canine distemper is a highly contagious and fatal infectious disease of dogs caused by canine distemper virus. It is one of the main diseases threatening dog life and health seriously because of its rapid spread and high mortality. Canine distemper can occur all year round, especially in winter and spring. Recently, dogs in Jinan have died of distemper. Dogs can be infected regardless of gender and age. Puppies are more sensitive than adults. Purebred dogs and police dogs are more susceptible than native dogs, and the mortality rate is also high. The disease is transmitted primarily through contact and air, and therefore, contact

  • Treatment of canine distemper

    Treatment of canine distemper

    With the improvement of people's living standards and the improvement of dietary structure, the feeding of ornamental dogs and edible dogs is expanding continuously. Canine distemper caused by canine distemper virus has become one of the most harmful diseases to dogs. Canine distemper is a highly contagious disease caused by canine distemper virus (CDV), commonly known as canine distemper. It is the most susceptible from 3 months to 1 year old, and the mortality rate is extremely high. The author has cured many cases of this disease in the clinical process, and the effect is satisfactory. The brief introduction is as follows: 1 the increase of body temperature in dogs with clinical symptoms

  • Canine distemper prevention and treatment technology

    Canine distemper prevention and treatment technology

    Canine distemper is a highly contagious disease caused by canine distemper virus in dogs, some economic animals and wild animals. The clinical features are bipolar fever, rhinitis, inflammation of respiratory tract and digestive tract, and symptoms of skin and nervous system in some cases. There is a secondary bacterial infection in clinic. 1. The original pathogen of the disease is canine distemper virus, which has strong resistance to dryness and cold. It can survive for 7 to 8 days at room temperature. 2. epidemic characteristics sick dogs, minks and other diseased animals and infected animals are the most important transmission.

  • Infectious Canine Hepatitis and its Prevention and Cure

    Infectious Canine Hepatitis and its Prevention and Cure

    Canine infectious hepatitis is an acute septic infectious disease caused by canine infectious hepatitis virus. The susceptible animals are young dogs under 1 year old, often showing acute necrotizing hepatitis. The disease occurs all over the world and is a common canine disease. At the initial stage of the disease, the virus mainly exists in the blood of diseased dogs, and then appears in a variety of secretions and feces, and excreted out of the body, causing environmental pollution, and can be excreted with urine from 6 to 9 months after recovery. Sick dogs and poisoned dogs are the source of infection of the disease. Healthy dogs are mainly eliminated.

  • Diagnosis and treatment of dog cough

    Diagnosis and treatment of dog cough

    Cough caused by canine distemper, biphasic fever type, characteristics: increased eye secretions, yellow urine, pustule rash on the inner side of abdomen and thigh, accompanied by rhinitis, digestive tract and respiratory tract mucosa, presenting acute catarrhal inflammation. Early dry cough, later development for wet cough, late nerve symptoms and so on. Canine infectious bronchitis, its single mild dog performance for dry cough, cough with vomiting, cough often aggravated with exercise or temperature changes, artificially induced cough positive, when secretions block part of the respiratory tract, performance depression, loss of appetite, purulent nasal discharge, painful cough

  • Can cats and canines interbreed?

    Can cats and canines interbreed?

    Mules are miscellaneous families of horses and donkeys, but both horses and donkeys belong to the equine family; lions and tigers (or tiger beasts) are crossed by lions and tigers, both of which also belong to the cat family. So can cats and dogs interbreed? According to biological data, these two

    2020-11-11 Cats animals cats and canines dogs can hybrids mules yes
  • Pay attention to canine distemper when keeping a dog

    Pay attention to canine distemper when keeping a dog

    Canine distemper, also known as canine distemper, is a highly contagious and acute infectious disease caused by the virus. Puppies under 1 year old are most likely to be infected. At present, there is no specific cure for the disease, and the mortality rate is between 50% and 90%, which can occur all the year round. The main points of identification of canine distemper are as follows: first, the change of body temperature is "U". That is, the body temperature often rises to about 40 at the beginning of the disease, and returns to normal in 2-3 days, with a fever-free gap. After a few days, the body temperature rises again, mostly at 39. 5%.

  • Diagnosis and treatment of canine toxoplasmosis

    Diagnosis and treatment of canine toxoplasmosis

    The disease is a worldwide zoonotic protozoonosis, which exists widely in domestic animals and wild animals. The disease has been reported all over the country. [diagnostic points] (1) Clinical symptoms: most of them are asymptomatic recessive infection. Infection is more common in young dogs and young dogs, and the symptoms are more serious. There are also fatal cases in adult dogs. The symptoms are similar to canine distemper and canine infectious hepatitis. The main symptoms are fever, cough, anorexia, mental malaise, weakness, eye and nose secretions, pale mucous membrane, dyspnea, and even severe.

  • Prevention and treatment of Canine Infectious Hepatitis

    Prevention and treatment of Canine Infectious Hepatitis

    Canine infectious hepatitis is an acute infectious disease caused by canine adenovirus infection, which mainly affects puppies under 1 year old, often causes acute necrotizing hepatitis, and is often mixed with canine distemper in clinic. The disease occurs almost all over the world, and it is a common canine infectious disease, but it is often ignored or misdiagnosed by breeders. Therefore, it is very important to take comprehensive prevention and treatment measures for the healthy development of the dog industry. 1 the incidence of the disease a dog farmer in Zhaoyuan County bought back meat from other places for breeding on July 16.

  • A brief discussion on the comprehensive prevention and control of canine distemper

    A brief discussion on the comprehensive prevention and control of canine distemper

    Canine distemper can occur all the year round and is prevalent in winter and spring. In October 2004, seven cases of canine distemper were diagnosed in the veterinary station. According to the clinical experience, comprehensive prevention and treatment measures were taken. The symptoms and diagnosis and treatment process are reported as follows: 1. Clinical symptoms (1) Prophase: the body temperature was more than 40 ℃ and lasted for 2 days. The sick dogs seemed to get better and eat slightly, close to the normal temperature, and then the body temperature increased for a second time, lasting for several weeks, when the respiratory tract and digestive tract showed catarrhal inflammation. The first period of this period

  • Diagnosis and treatment of infectious hepatitis in dogs

    Diagnosis and treatment of infectious hepatitis in dogs

    Canine infectious hepatitis is an acute, highly contagious septic infectious disease of dogs caused by canine adenovirus type I, characterized by circulatory disorders, centrilobular necrosis of the liver, and intranuclear inclusions in liver parenchyma and endothelial cells. Big foxes and foxes are susceptible, coyotes, raccoons and black bears are also susceptible. It can also infect humans without causing clinical symptoms. The pathogenic canine infectious hepatitis virus belongs to the adenovirus family, a member of the mammalian adenovirus genus, and has only one antigenic type. The virus is highly resistant and

  • Canine cardiac filariasis

    Canine cardiac filariasis

    This disease is a kind of filariasis caused by circulatory disturbance, dyspnea and anemia caused by canine cardiac filariasis parasitic on the right ventricle and pulmonary artery (rarely in chest and bronchus). In addition to infected dogs, cats and other wild carnivores can also be infected. The disease is widely distributed in China, from Shenyang in the north to Guangzhou in the south. [pathogen and its life history] Canine heart filariasis (also known as canine filariasis) is yellow and white in the shape of slender vermicelli. The male is 120mm to 160mm long, the tail is spirally curled, and the female is 25.

  • Diagnosis and control of acute attack of toxoplasmosis in dogs

    Diagnosis and control of acute attack of toxoplasmosis in dogs

    From September to December 1997, some dog farms in Jiangsu and Anwei broke out successively with acute death, sudden acute pulmonary edema, dyspnea and foam-like fluid with blood in oral competition. According to the changes of autopsy, histopathological examination and toxicology, virology and bacteriological analysis, it was diagnosed as an acute outbreak of canine toxoplasmosis. The report is as follows. 1. The incidence of the disease: a dog farm in Nanjing jointly raised more than 100 German shepherds, and another dog farm raised more than 10 German shepherds.
